A healthier body, a calmer mind, spiritual growth, or a rewarding career, yoga makes it all happen – simply, gently, easily. Let’s bring this magic to everyone.

Our Past

Yoga is a legacy for all humanity from an ancient, unknown past. Thousands of yearsago, ancient Indians devised these systems and practices to facilitate physical healthand spiritual progress. Down the ages, regimes and rulers, languages and cultures, technology and popular thought have changed, but yoga had stood the test of time, and will do so as long as humanity exists.

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Our Present

The world today is in turmoil. Excessive materialism, obsessive consumption, widespread mental health issues, horrific crimes and wars have ensured human suffering on an unprecedented scale. Never before has peace and sanity been needed like today, and that is exactly what Yoga brings to individuals, societies and the world.


The Future We Seek

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We seek a future of enlightened humanity, where individuals understand who they are, and there is permanent peace and tranquillity in the world. By encouraging millions of people to pursue yoga, Bodhi School of Yoga is on a mission to end both physical and mental suffering in society, and pave the way to a golden period for humanity.

Our Vision

Empowering Every Home, Transforming Every Life: By 2030, we envision a global network of 100,000 internationally certified yoga trainers , nurturing holistic well-being, and fostering a culture of consciousness, compassion, and connection. We also envision empowering yoga trainers to achieve financial abundance and success by providing them with opportunities to upgrade their skills and knowledge.

Our Vision
Our Mission

Our Mission

Igniting Personal Transformation through Holistic Yoga Education: Our mission is to provide comprehensive, inclusive, and compassionate yoga education, empowering individuals to achieve holistic well-being, cultivate mindfulness, and unlock their full potential.


Disciples of the yogic lifestyle, our trainers firmly believe in the power of yoga to foster physical, mental and spiritual growth.

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Our student's opinions, unfiltered

Deepak Yadav

I used to always be hyper, aggressive and tense, both at home and at work. Yoga has calmed me down and brought my smile back! I also look five years younger!

Deepak Yadav
Ayesha Ansari

I took the weight-loss classes. Not only did I lose all my extra weight, I gained in confidence, in calmness and got a whole new lifestyle! I don’t take stress anymore. Daily yoga is my stress-buster!

Ayesha Ansari
Tanu Singh

Bodhi School of Yoga has given me teachers, friends, a whole new community! Everyone is helpful and supportive of your growth journey and your healing process. I wish I had started earlier!

Tanu Singh

Free Trial Session

50 Mins Session with the option of choosing from 10 slots in a day.

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Our assessment will guide you take direction best suited based on your experience and expectation from yogic lifestyle.

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