Guidelines For Yoga Students

Bodhi School of Yoga is one big happy community. Like any community, having a common set of guidelines that we all follow helps inculcate best practices, ensure a tranquil atmosphere with minimal distractions for each student. If you’re new to yoga or need a refresher, take a moment to familiarize yourself with some common yoga etiquette and our class guidelines


  • Arrive at least 5 minutes early. This gives you ample time to settle down and gives you an opportunity to get into the right mind set.
  • You must stay for the whole session.
  • Always suggestible to leave the session as soon as you complete the practice and provide space for the next session.

Equipment Responsibility

Bring your own mats and in case you’re using studio mats/ blocks, place them back neatly.

Mobile phones on Silent

As soon as you enter into the studio, please keep your mobile phones on silent/ switch them off.

Tilak/ Chandan

Always good to put some Chandan/ Vibhuthi on your forehead.

Dress Code

Acceptable attire includes Kurta & Pyjama/ full neck length shirt or a Bodhi T-shirt..

Interaction with Trainers

Be humble and respectful with the trainers.

Communication Guidelines

  • Avoid unnecessary communication with trainers other than session related.
  • Avoid chitchats & gossips during, after the sessions and maintain silence.
  • Avoid criticism.


Try not missing the sessions. In case of unavoidable situation, inform your trainer about your absence.

Consent Form

Ensure that you fill the consent form as soon as you join.


Make sure to fill the attendance register without fail.


Maintain 1.5-2 hours gap before practice.


Relaxation is a powerful technique in Yoga. Ensure to not skip it at all. In case if it is an unavoidable situation to leave the session, leave quietly without disturbing others.


  • If you’re a beginner or new to Yoga, allow some time to get used to your practice
  • If you’re an advanced practitioner, take a moment to think about becoming a Yoga teacher.