Online Face Yoga Teacher Training Course

Become a certified face yoga instructor and learn techniques to enhance facial tone, reduce wrinkles, and promote skin health naturally.

  • Learn face yoga techniques for facial toning
  • Focus on natural anti-aging methods
  • Practical training on guiding others
  • Certification to teach face yoga globally
  • Suitable for wellness and beauty professionals
  • Access to ongoing support and resources
  • 4 Weeks
  • Online
  • English

Book Our Exclusive Yoga Course

Step into the world of transformative rejuvenation with our pioneering Face Yoga Teacher Training program. This comprehensive online course is meticulously curated to provide a holistic understanding and mastery of Face Yoga, empowering you to guide individuals on a journey towards natural, radiant beauty and profound well-being.

Face Yoga Teacher Training Course Overview

Explore the essence of Face Yoga, delving deep into its core principles and methodologies:

Understanding Face Yoga:

Discover the philosophy and fundamentals underlying Face Yoga, intertwining facial exercises with the mind-body connection. Learn the art of facial anatomy, unlocking specialized techniques designed to tone, tighten, and rejuvenate facial muscles naturally.

Practical Application & Teaching Methodology:

Immerse yourself in the practical realm, mastering a diverse array of facial exercises and routines. From tailored exercises for specific facial areas to understanding sequencing and instructional methodologies, this course empowers you to craft personalized routines for various rejuvenation goals.

Why This Course Matters for Your Career

Imagine the impact of becoming a certified Face Yoga Teacher in today's wellness landscape. As the world embraces natural, holistic approaches to beauty, this certification sets you on a pedestal. It's about transcending traditional yoga teachings, positioning you as a leader in the art of holistic facial rejuvenation.

This course doesn't just teach facial exercises; it cultivates a deeper understanding of the mind-body connection, empowering you to guide others towards confidence, radiance, and an enhanced sense of holistic well-being.

Setting Our Course Apart

What distinguishes our Face Yoga Teacher Training from others in the market?

Comprehensive Curriculum: Delve deeply into facial anatomy, exercises, and teaching methodologies specific to Face Yoga, ensuring a thorough understanding of the practice.

Personalized Mentorship: Benefit from dedicated mentorship and 24/7 support, fostering an environment conducive to your growth and learning.

Adaptability & Customization: Acquire the expertise to tailor techniques for various facial concerns, catering to a wide spectrum of clients with diverse needs.

Join us on this transformative journey. Embrace the evolution of your career and become a certified Face Yoga Teacher, ready to illuminate faces with confidence, radiance, and holistic well-being. Enroll today and embark on a journey that redefines beauty, inside and out!

Who is this for?

4 Weeks
  • What is face yoga? What is the purpose and the benefits of doing face yoga?
  • Face anatomy
  • Basics of face yoga
  • Guidelines before starting face yoga
  • Stretches and warmups
  • Acupressure points and face mapping
  • Lymphatic system and its benefits for skin health
  • Facial tools
  • Cool down techniques
  • Nutrition
  • Face yoga nidra
  • Mudras
  • Skin detox
  • Quick tips and tricks for skin health
Face yoga exercises
  • Forehead
  • Eyes
  • Cheeks
  • Mouth
  • Jaws
  • Neck

Eligibility & Pre-requisites for Online Face Yoga Teacher Training Course

In our Certified Face Yoga Teacher Training, an authentic zeal to rescue individuals from the uncertainty and risks of cosmetic endeavors forms the very foundation of success. It's this genuine passion, a commitment to offering a natural and holistic alternative, that drives every aspect of this course. Understanding the transformative power of Face Yoga isn't just about exercises; it's about fostering a deep-rooted belief in empowering individuals to embrace their natural beauty. This dedication to saving people from the gamble of invasive procedures fuels instructors to delve into the depths of facial anatomy, to explore intricate techniques that sculpt, tone, and rejuvenate, all while harnessing the innate wisdom of the mind-body connection. This zeal propels instructors to become beacons of hope, guiding others away from cosmetic uncertainties and towards a more profound sense of self-confidence and well-being, enriching lives not merely aesthetically but holistically. It's this genuine passion to rescue individuals from the cosmetic gamble that defines the success of this course, transforming instructors into advocates for natural, radiant beauty and holistic wellness.

Eligibility :

  • Anyone who is interested to learn & teach
  • Should be assciated with Fitness Industry
  • Enthusiastic housewives, doctors, teachers, physiotherapists, etc
  • Anybody passionate to become a Face Yoga Expert
  • Anybody who wants to elevate the Yoga Career
  • Anybody who want to conduct quality yoga workshops
  • Anybody enthusiastic to serve the society

Pre-requisites :

  • Mobile Phone or Laptop
  • Good internet connection
  • Quiet space to practice and watch the lectures
  • A nice notebook to take notes
  • A desire to complete this training program

Course Certification

So you are ready to become a Face Yoga Expert? Face Yoga Teacher Training- The all-natural alternative to anti-aging treatments is face yoga. You can help your customers seem younger and more radiant by teaching them a set of facial exercises that will tone the muscles under their skin and improve facial circulation.

The Face Yoga Teacher Training Course equips you with the knowledge you need to comprehend your face health and workouts you can perform at home or coach others in order to enhance overall well-being at mental, emotional, and physical level. You can gain amazing returns on your investment for this high value certification. Your fitness profession will be elevated to an anti-aging occupation after completing this two-week face yoga teacher training course.

Instructor for Online Face Yoga Teacher Training Course

Review for Online Face Yoga Teacher Training Course

  • Course Duration 4 Weeks
  • Timing 5:00PM - 6:30PM/5:00AM - 6:30AM
  • Days Mon-Thu
  • Medium Online
  • Language English

Still have queries? Contact Us

Please contact us at or + 91 98703 47348 and an expert from the Admissions Office will call you within the next 4 working hours.