Wind Relieving Pose - Pawanamuktasana

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Wind Relieving Pose - Pawanamuktasana

Pawnamuktasana (Wind Relieving pose) is an intermediate level yoga asana performed in the supine position. The name is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Pawan' means wind or gas, ‘Mukta' means release and 'asana' means posture respectively. Pawnamuktasana relieves constipation and strengthens the digestive system and improves digestion. By performing this pose regularly, a person can strengthen the back and abdominal muscles. Wind Relieving pose stimulates Manipura chakra (solar plexus).

Steps to do Wind Relieving Pose / Pawanamuktasana

  • Lie down on your back.
  • Inhale, lift both the legs up together, exhale, fold the legs and bring knees close to the chest. Interlock the fingers and hold the legs.
  • Bring thighs closer to the chest.
  • Again, inhale gently and lift the head and bring the chin or nose between the knees. Don’t stress the neck.
  • Keep breathing while holding the pose.
  • Exhale, release both the legs and slowly drop the head to the floor. 

Tips for beginners

  • Beginners might face an issue while holding the breath in this posture. Make sure you hold your breath for 3 to 5 breaths.
  • Make sure to always begin the sequence with an extended left leg and a drawn-in knee.
  • Beginners can place a bolster beneath the back. Using a bolster supports the back and also helps to raise the hips a little higher. 


  • Pawanamuktasana strengthens the lower back muscles, loosens up the spinal column.
  • It massages the abdomen and the digestive organs.
  • It removes gas and constipation.
  • It is also useful for Sciatica. 

Watch out for

  • This asana must be avoided in the case of any recent abdominal surgery. Also, people suffering from hernia or piles must avoid it.
  • If you are suffering from heart problems, hyperacidity, high blood pressure, slipped disc and any neck problem you must avoid this asana. 


  • You can also perform this asana with one leg raising up which is also regarded as Eka pada Pawanamuktasana.
  • After attaining the final posture you can also swing in this posture which soothes the back.
  • To intensify the practise of this asana, bring the nose near the knee for a deeper stretch.
  • Bend the knee of your extended leg and place it flat on the floor if your hips are extremely tight.  

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